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politicalhero cutter

Joined: 22 Oct 2007 Posts: 657 Location: Sexy Lexi on the Southside
Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:37 pm Post subject: Update on Bike/Ped Projects in Fayette Cty. |
This memo is shared by city engineer Keith Lovan with members of the BPAC.
Just thought some folks would be interested in this.
Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee
Project Status Report - Fayette County
August 6, 2010
New changes are noted in italics
Arboretum Trail (Trail Bond)
Scope: within the Arboretum.
Facility: Shared use trail through Walnut Woods, 700 feet
Status: UK looking at access through Central Baptist Parking lot. Sharrows were placed on University Court. No change
Armstrong Mill Connectors (part of Gainesway-CMAQ)
Scope: Located on the south side near Armstrong Mill and Gainesway Park.
Facility: Shared use path; 1,600 feet, connects 6 stub streets to Gainesway Trail.
Status: Future phase; need neighborhood meetings. No change
Beaumont Trail (unfunded)
Scope: Located on the south side of Lexington, connects YMCA to Beaumont HOA area.
Facility: Shared use path; 3,000 feet.
Status: On hold. No change
Brighton East Rail Trail (SLX)
Scope: Located on the east side of Lexington between Bryant Road and Deer Haven Lane.
Facility: Shared use path; primary greenway trail, two phases; each phase approx 1 mile. Part of East West Trail and Lexington Big Sandy Rail Trail.
Status: Phase 2-Construction scheduled for Summer 2010. No change
Brighton Rail Trail Phase 4 (Brighton West Rail Trail) (Trail Bond)
Scope: Located on the east side of Lexington between Man O’War Boulevard and Liberty Road.
Facility: Shared use path; primary greenway trail, 2,500 feet. Connects to Brighton Rail Trail Overpass and Liberty Trail.
Status: This section is not funded. Project put on hold. No change
Brighton Rail Trail Overpass (CMAQ)
Scope: connects Brighton East Rail Trail with Brighton Rail Trail Phase 4
Facility: Bridge overpass, 150 feet
Status: Notice to Proceed given to Contractor. No change
Cardinal Run Park North (Trail Bond)
Scope: Located on the west side in Cardinal Run Park.
Facility: Shared use path; 9,000 feet, loop trail
Status: Plans are complete and Parks is reviewing. No change
Chilesburg Trail (Trail Bond)
Scope: Athens Boonsboro to Hayes Blvd
Facility: Shared use path (conversion from old roadway); tertiary greenway trial
Status: Waiting on the developer’s contractor to begin work. Developer wants to keep the Athens Boonesboro end open for access. This will delay construction of the Hayes Blvd end. Spoke with developer and they still need access. No change.
Coolavin Rail Trail (Recreational Trail Grant)
Scope: 4th Street to active rail line at Bellaire Ave.
Facility: Rail Trail, part of Legacy Trail.
Status: CSX attorney conducting title search. Received agreement. Needs signature by Mayor and Cabinet. No change
Gainesway Trail (CMAQ)
Scope: From Tates Creek Schools to Mill Creek Elementary.
Facility: Shared use path, approximately 2 miles.
Status: Parks preparing RFQ. No change
HealthWays: Lafayette and Shillito Trail System (TE and Trail Bond)
Scope: Off road trail in the Wellington Subdivision
Facility: Shared use paths; connections to neighborhood and schools
Status: Construction 95% complete on Lafayette and 80% on Shillito.
Highlands Park Trail (Trail Bond)
Scope: Within Highland Park
Facility: Shared use path in park, 2,000 feet, loop trail
Status: Designed by Parks. On Hold. No change
IMMAG Legacy Trail Head
Scope: Trail Head infrastructure
Facility: Legacy Trail head at intersection of 3rd Street and Midland Ave.
Status: Design 95% complete. No change
Lakeside Trail (Jacobson) (Trail Bond)
Scope: Located near Jacobson Park.
Facility: Shared use path; 7,700 feet connects neighborhood to park.
Status: Plans are complete and Parks is reviewing. No change
Legacy Trail Phase 1 (TE, CMAQ, Stimulus, and Trail Bond)
Scope: Ironworks to Newtown Pike at Citation Blvd
Facility: Shared use path; 6.4 miles. Includes Maine Chance Trail, Coldstream
Status: Construction 80% complete. All of the bridges are set and rock is down
Legacy Trail Phase 2 (Stimulus and Trail Bond)
Scope: Newtown Pike at Citation Blvd to Northside YMCA
Facility: Shared use path; 2.1 miles. Includes LexMark
Status: Construction 90% complete.
Legacy Trail Phase 3 (TE and Trail Bond)
Scope: Northside YMCA to Downtown
Facility: Shared use path; 4-5 miles. Includes Downtown Segments
Status: Waiting on agreements. No change.
Legacy Trail Enhancements (TCSP)
Scope: Legacy Trail enhancement and amenities
Facility: Trail head improvement, markers and amenities.
Status: Waiting on agreement. No change
Legacy Trail-KY Horse Park Trail (Trail Bond)
Scope: North Legacy Trailhead to KY Horse Park
Facility: Shared use path; .2 miles. Connects Legacy Trail to KY Horse Park
Status: Construction 50% complete.
Masterson Station Park Trail (Trail Bond)
Scope: Located on the west side of Lexington in Masterson Station Park.
Facility: Shared use path; 10,400 feet along perimeter of park.
Status: Waiting on documents for main trail design; design of new horse crossing (so trail can use existing) is underway. No change
Masterson Station Park Trail Phase 2 (Trail Bond)
Scope: Located on the west side of Lexington connects to Masterson Station Park.
Facility: Shared use path; 5,000 feet, runs through neighborhood.
Status: Waiting on documents for main trail design; design of new horse crossing (so trail can use existing) is underway No change
Meadowbrook Park Trail (Trail Bond)
Scope: Within Meadowbrook Park
Facility: Shared use path in park, 1,200 feet, loop trail
Status: Parks designing project. On hold. No change.
Richmond Road Trail (SLX and private funds)
Scope: From Eagle Creek Drive to Jacobson Park
Facility: Shared use path; primary greenway trail, approximately 1 mile
Status: Working on right-of-way acquisition on Phase 1B. Construction Unit Price Contract approved. Working with Contractor to construct Phase 1A. No change
RJ Corman Rail with Trail (Trail Bond)
Scope: Feasibility Study of rail with trail from downtown to Woodford County line.
Facility: Shared use path; rail with trail; approximately 1 mile
Status: RJ Corman is interested in rail with trail. Negotiating r/w trade. No change
South Elkhorn Trail Section 2 (TE and SLX)
Scope: From Joseph Bryan Way to Waveland State Historic Site.
Facility: Shared use path; primary greenway trail, 1,700 feet
Status: Received confirmation from Law that an agreement from Norfolk Southern is not needed for tunnel. The next step is obtaining an easement from UK. Description has been sent to UK for their review. No change
South Elkhorn Trail Section 3 (TE and SLX)
Scope: From Lochdale Terrace to Shillito Park
Facility: Shared use path; primary greenway trail, 1,700 feet
Status: Consultant has started design. Consultant submitted plans to Norfolk Southern. Mayor sent letter to Norfolk Southern requesting permission for a rail with trail. No change
South Elkhorn Highlands Trail (Trail Bond)
Scope: Located on the south side of Lexington, connects Southpoint Park to Veterans Park.
Facility: Shared use path; 5,200 feet.
Status: On hold. No change
South Elkhorn Waveland Trail (Trail Bond)
Scope: Located on the south side of Lexington, connects South Elkhorn Trail to Mill Pond. Part of Waveland Museum Lane
Facility: Shared use path; 4,500 feet.
Status: Waiting on road closure. No change
Southpointe Park Trail Phase 2 (Trail Bond)
Scope: connects loop trail in Southpointe Park to South Elkhorn Trail.
Facility: Shared use path in park, 1,200 feet
Status: on hold. No change.
Town Branch Trail Phase 3 (TE)
Scope: From McConnell Springs to Old Frankfort Landfill.
Facility: Shared use path; primary greenway trail, approximately 1 mile. Part of East West Trail.
Status: Working on feasibility study before starting design. No change
Town Branch Trail Phase 4 (Trail Bond)
Scope: From Alexandria Drive to New Circle Road.
Facility: Shared use path; primary greenway trail, approximately 13, 000 feet. Part of East West Trail.
Status: Consultant started feasibility study. No change.
Town Branch Trail Lexington Distillery District (local bond)
Scope: From Forbes Road to Newtown Pike Extension.
Facility: Shared use path; primary greenway trail, approximately 1 mile. Part of East West Trail.
Status: Project on hold No change
Town Branch Connector Trail (Trail Bond and Water Quality Management Fee)
Scope: Located on the west side of Lexington in McConnells Trace Subdivision.
Facility: Shared use path; connects to Town Branch Trail. 2,300 feet.
Status: Need to correct drainage problems before proceeding. Consultant has started design. No change
Town Branch Trail Crossing (CMAQ)
Scope: Improve sight distance on Old Frankfort Pike for Town Branch Trail
Facility: Mid block crossing.
Status: Funding announced in September 2009. No change
Valley Park Trail Phase 2 (Trail Bond)
Scope: Within Valley Park
Facility: Shared use path in park, 1,700 feet, loop trail
Status: Parks designing trail. No change
Veterans Park Trail Phase 1 (Trail Bond)
Scope: Located on the south side of Lexington in Veterans Park.
Facility: Shared use path; 5,600 primary greenway trail, part of North South Trail.
Status: Parks designing project. On hold. No change
Veterans Park Trail Phase 2 (Trail Bond)
Scope: Located on the south side of Lexington in Veterans Park.
Facility: Shared use path; 3,000 mountain bike trail.
Status: Plans are complete and Parks is reviewing. No change
West Hickman Trail (SLX)
Scope: From Man O’ War at Clearwater Way to Veterans Park.
Facility: Shared use path; primary greenway trail, approximately 7,000 feet
Status: Construction 95% complete.
Citation Boulevard (SP)
Scope: From intersection of Alexandria and Leestown to Georgetown Road
Facility: Road improvement project that includes bike lanes and sidewalks
Status: In design, Construction slated to start in 2010. No change
Chevy Chase Intersection (Corridors Commission, construction unfunded)
Scope: Study to determine construction costs.
Facility: Streetscape project for High/Euclid/Fontaine/Tates Creek intersection to improved bike and pedestrian facilities
Status: Consultant conducting public meetings
Clay Mill Road Section 1 (SLX)
Scope: Harrodsburg Rd to New Circle Rd
Facility: Road improvement project that includes bike lanes and sidewalks
Status: Design underway. No Change
Clay Mill Road Section 2A (SLX)
Scope: Higbee Mill Rd to Keithshire Way.
Facility: Road improvement project that includes bike lanes and sidewalks
Status: Design complete. Right of way acquired and Utility Relocations underway. Bid in August. No change
Clay Mill Road Section 2B (SLX)
Scope: New Circle Rd to Keithshire Way
Facility: Road improvement project that includes bike lanes and sidewalks
Status: Design underway. No change
Clay Mill Road Section 2C (SLX)
Scope: Higbee Mill Road to Twain Ridge
Facility: Road improvement project that includes bike lanes and sidewalks
Status: Design underway. No change
Harrodsburg Road (SP)
Scope: Pasadenda/Alexandria Drive to Beaumont Centre Parkway
Facility: Undetermined
Status: Preliminary Design underway. No change
Leestown Road (SP Bond)
Scope: Greendale Rd to Masterson Station Park
Facility: Road improvement project that includes bike lanes and sidewalks
Status: Project under design. Construction pushed back to 2013. No change
Liberty/Todds Road – Section 1B (Stimulus, HPP and SLX)
Scope: MOW to Forest Hill Dr
Facility: Road improvement project that includes bike lanes and sidewalks
Status: Construction 80% complete.
Liberty/Todds Road - Section 2 (SLX)
Scope: Forest Hill Dr to Polo Club Blvd
Facility: Road improvement project that includes bike lanes and sidewalks
Status: Project under design. No change
Manchester Street Streetscape (local bond)
Scope: From South Forbes to Newtown Pike Extension.
Facility: Streetscape project to include sidewalks and bike lanes.
Status: Project on hold. No change
Main and Vine Street Streetscape (Stimulus)
Scope: Main Street from Broadway to Elm Tree and Vine Street from Broadway to Limestone
Facility: bike lanes and sidewalk improvements
Status: Construction 80% complete.
Mt. Tabor Road (Unfunded)
Scope: Service road to Patchen Dr.
Facility: Road improvement project that includes bike lanes and sidewalks
Status: ROW is being purchased but there is no funding for construction. No change.
Newtown Pike Extension (SLX and Stimulus)
Scope: Main St to S Limestone St.
Facility: Road improvement project that includes bike lanes and sidewalks
Status: Construction 80% complete
Newtown Pike (Unfunded)
Scope: New Circle Road to I 75
Facility: Road improvement project. Bike lanes and sidewalk on east side
Status: In preliminary design phase. No change
Polo Club Blvd (D SLX, C not in TIP but SLX in KYTC 6 yr plan)
Scope: Man O War Blvd to Todds Road, design from Deerhaven to Todds
Facility: Bike lane striping, design for construction
Status: Preparing RFQ for design. No change.
Rose Street (SLX)
Scope: Rose Lane to Euclid Ave.
Facility: Bike lane extension, one block
Status: UK and Utility companies reviewing plans. No change
Rosemont Garden Improvements (unfunded)
Scope: railroad to Lafayette Parkway
Facility: bike lanes and sidewalk
Status: Design on hold. No funding for right of way or construction. No change.
Sidewalk Projects
Armstrong Mill Sidewalk (unfunded)
Scope: Tates Creek to Greentree Rd
Facility: Sidewalk on north side of roadway
Status: Preliminary design complete. No change.
Maxwell St Sidewalk and Bike Lane (CMAQ)
Scope: From Rose Street to Woodland Ave
Facility: Project to remove parking and add a bike lane and reconstruct curb and sidewalk
Status: Contractor started July 12th.
Southland Drive Bike Lane and Sidewalk Project (CMAQ)
Scope: Nicholasville Road to Rosemont Garden
Facility: Bike lanes along Southland Dr and sidewalk connection at railroad underpass.
Status: Funding announced in September 2009. No change
Tates Creek Road Sidewalks (CMAQ)
Scope: Montclair/Lakewood Drive to Lansdowne Shoppes/Dove Run Road
Facility: Sidewalks on both sides of the street
Status: Consultant has started design. No change
West Loudon Avenue Sidewalk Project (CMAQ)
Scope: Newtown Pike to Russell Cave
Facility: Sidewalks on both sides of the street where missing.
Status: Funding announced in September 2009. No change |
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sailorjames cutter

Joined: 15 Nov 2007 Posts: 329
Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:40 am Post subject: |
Thank you, glad to see these kind of things made public and accessible. |
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metro biking hipster

Joined: 16 Mar 2008 Posts: 64 Location: Lexington, KY
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 8:05 am Post subject: Project Postings |
T - Appreciate the post RE LFUCG status reports. Maybe we could get these posted after each monthly meeting. I know people get frustrated at the bureaucratic pace bike/ped projects get implemented, but Keith, Kenzie and others in the MPO can only shepard through what comes available by funding. Additional interest and support from Community walkers and riders helps convey the message upward that there is a demand which helps money to flow back down.
See you all at Trailapalooza - just the kind of visible advocacy opportunity that gets attention - thanks Van, Zina, Dave, Boyd, Marty, sponsors, and everyone else.
M _________________ Metro Biking |
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politicalhero cutter

Joined: 22 Oct 2007 Posts: 657 Location: Sexy Lexi on the Southside
Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:07 am Post subject: |
Mike, yup I will post these after every BPAC meeting. I think it is good to let folks know where the projects are. I know I get really irritated when it seems like a simple project yet it takes years to complete. |
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roller d'oh!

Joined: 17 May 2008 Posts: 294 Location: duncan park
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:39 am Post subject: |
Thanks for posting this list and there's a lot mileage planned. Here's another list of completed projects for comparison (from September, 2009, LFUCG) and a city map from July, 2009. Probably the most exciting in my opinion are the rail trails.
Completed trails:
Addison: 1/3 mile paved trail off Pine Meadows Drive / Garrison Avenue
Arboretum: 2 mile paved trail off Alumni Drive (Note: Bikes are NOT permitted.)
Beaumont Preserve: 1 mile paved trail off Allegheny Way beside Rosa Parks Elementary School
Belleau Woods: 1 mile paved trail to Pleasant Ridge Park
Coldstream Park: 2 mile paved trail off McGrathiana Parkway (Newtown and I-75)
Constitution: 3/4 mile asphalt trail off Old Paris Pike / Rookwood Drive
Cross Keys: 1/4 mile gravel trail off Cross Keys Road
Day Treament: 5/8 mile paved trail of Red Mile Place (connects to Addison Park)
Dogwood Trail: 1/2 mile paved loop off of Dogwood Trace Boulevard
Elizabeth Street: 1/2 mile sidewalk off Elizabeth Street Garden
Garden Springs: 1/2 mile paved trail off Garden Springs Dr.
Harrod Hill Park: 1/2 mile paved trail off Ridgecane Rd.
Hartland Park: 1/2 mile paved trail off Kenesaw Road
Higbee Mill Park: 1/2 mile paved trail (corner of Clays Mill Rd. and Old Higbee Mill Rd.)
Kirklevington: 3/4 mile paved trail off Redding Road
Lakeview: 1/2 mile paved trail off Laketower Drive
Lansdowne-Merrick: 1 1/2 mile paved trail off Pepperhill Rd. beside Julius Marks Elementary School
Liberty Trail: 1/2 mile paved trail off Starshoot Parkway
Martin Luther King: 1/3 mile paved trail off McCullough Drive
Mary Todd Park: 1/4 mile paved trail off Rodgers Road
Masterson Station: 4 mile perimeter grass course (front to back of park)
McConnell Springs: 1/2 mile paved trail at end of Rebmann Lane off Old Frankfort Pike
Meadowbrook: 1/4 mile paved trail at end of Harvard Lane off of E. Tiverton
Mount Tabor: 1/3 mile paved trail off Eureka Springs or at end of Elk Creek Drive
Pine Meadows: 1/5 mile paved trail at end of Tazewell Drive
Raven Run: 10+ miles trails - paved and unpaved; Freedom Trail designed for visually impaired
Riverhill Park: 1/2 mile paved trail and sidewalk
Shillito Park: 2 mile perimeter grass off Reynolds Road, behind Fayette Mall
South Elkhorn: 1/2 mile asphalt trail off Newbury Way
Southpoint Park: 1/2 mile off Graves Drive
Squires Road: 1 1/3 mile paved trail from Summerhill Dr. to Squires Road; access at Berry Hill Park
Stonewall Park: 1/2 mile unpaved trail off Cornwall
Town Branch Trail: 2 mile paved trail off Long Branch Lane
Valley Park: 1/3 mile paved trail off Cambridge Drive
Veterans Park: 1 mile paved trail off Southpoint Drive
Waverly: 1 kilometer paved trail off Twain Ridge Drive
Wellington Park: 1 1/4 mile paved trail off Wellington Way
Wellington Trail: 1 mile paved trail along Keithshire Way / Reynolds Road (Construction of second loop will be underway this summer.) |
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brokebike cutter

Joined: 21 Oct 2007 Posts: 2434 Location: local
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:50 pm Post subject: |
Are all the paved trails also shared use paths? Meaning, they are open to bikes and pedestrians? _________________ ------------[] O |
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roller d'oh!

Joined: 17 May 2008 Posts: 294 Location: duncan park
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:07 pm Post subject: |
brokebike wrote: | Are all the paved trails also shared use paths? Meaning, they are open to bikes and pedestrians? |
You mean the green solid lines on the map? No, in most cases I suspect. The paved walking trails in the arboretum, McConnell Springs, and Constitution park are examples. I think if you had training wheels, you could probably bike them. |
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