charlenemingus hipster

Joined: 24 Oct 2007 Posts: 50
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 7:36 am Post subject: Share Your Opinions with the Fayette Alliance |
I recently began working at the Fayette Alliance as Executive Assistant to Knox van Nagell, the Executive Director of the organization. I’m really excited about getting the opportunity to help shape Lexington’s future and prevent fiascos like the CentrePointe dirt pit. I encourage you all to have your voice heard and share your opinions about Lexington’s future with the Fayette Alliance by visiting our website at,
See you all at the Polo Tournament tomorrow!
Here’s some information about the organization:
The Fayette Alliance is Lexington’s only land-use advocacy organization dedicated to protecting our renowned rural landscape and strengthening Lexington through innovative infill development.
This approach to growth will improve our city, our quality of life, and protect our productive and beautiful farmland; ensuring economic and environmental success today and in the future.
The Fayette Alliance's Mission:
To create, through education and awareness, a united voice for Fayette County citizens committed to promoting our irreplaceable farmland, protecting our unique agriculture enterprise from adverse suburban expansion, and securing a better, more prosperous future for our entire community.
Current issues include, the Courthouse overlay text amendment. The purpose of the Courthouse Overlay zone is to encourage growth and infill redevelopment, while preserving and protecting the unique features and characteristics of the area surrounding the courthouses downtown. Despite this intent, current process allows applicants to demolish buildings and proceed with development activity BEFORE the Planning Commission hears, on appeal, a decision of the Courthouse Area Design Review Board. As such, the “meat” of an appeal can be torn-down, irreversibly altered, or displaced before a party to the action has his/her proverbial “second-bite at the apple”.
This unfortunate circumstance occurred during the recent CentrePointe controversy, in which the developer destroyed buildings on the Woolworth Block while community interests appealed the Courthouse Area Design Review Board’s ruling—which granted a demolition permit—to the Planning Commission.
In response to this wake-up call, the Planning Commission initiated and yesterday ADOPTED a text amendment to the zone, that prohibits the demolition, building, or issuance of other development permits prior to filing and/or completion of an appeal from the Courthouse Area Design Overlay Board to the Planning Commission.
For more information about the Fayette Alliance's work and to share your opinions or suggestions please visit our website, |