metro biking hipster

Joined: 16 Mar 2008 Posts: 64 Location: Lexington, KY
Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 8:54 am Post subject: Continuing the Connectivity and Etcetera Disussions |
Broke and all,
To continue your advocacy efforts, I am posting a thread I have been in on with some LAB advocates trying to promote the League's Bicycle Friendly State program. KY ranked 27th in initial ranking (surprising!?!?!)
Anyway, the thread provides some great issues discussion Forum readers may find interesting and action-oriented.
It takes letter writing but efforts do have effects.
Currently, you can go to the Lex Area Metropolitan Planning Organization website and comment on the 2010-2013 Transportation Improvement Plan and long-rang 2035 Trans Plan for Lex. Let them know you want more $$$ for biking and ped facilities.
Nationally, the Transportation Authorization Bill is coming up for review and renewal in Congress this year. This is the big kahuna for transportation $$$ and where biking funding gets serious i.e BILLION of BUCKS.
Hope the discussions entice some advocacy on the grass roots level.
Always, for more info check out the League of American Bicyclists webpage at WWW.BIKELEAGUE.ORG
You may also note that Kentucky makes no mention of, or provisions for, bicycling or improving bicycling safety in its Strategic Highway Safety Plan. I've provided a detailed set of changers in the SHSP to KYTC in hope it will be included in this year's rewrite.
Ralph K. "Mitch" Mitchell
Union, Kentucky 41091
Chair, Kentucky Bicycle and Bikeway Commission
League of American Bicyclists Certified Instructor #1390
OKI Regional Council of Governments, Bicycle Plan Committee
Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals
In a message dated 5/27/2009 4:41:57 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
I’m glad to hear this feedback is useful. The state coordinator received it as well, so hopefully you all can work from the same page so to speak. The ranking questionnaire does not ask about facility design manual, but the separate, option award application does:
8. Does your state have a bicycle facility design manual?
a. Is it a stand alone manual or is it integrated into other design manuals?
b. Is there systemic training available to use the manual?
c. Please describe the training
9. Does your state have a Traffic Control Devices manual?
a. Please describe the Traffic Control Devices manual
You can see the questions for both ranking and award here:
Jeff Peel
Program Specialist, Bicycle Friendly America
League of American Bicyclists
1612 K St. N.W., Suite #800
Washington, DC 20006
From: Barry Zalph []
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 4:24 PM
To: Jeff Peel
Cc: Griff Baute; Katie McBride; David Morse; Ralph Mitchell; Cheryl Wyatt; Steve Wyatt; Michael Galbraith; Bill Nesper; Andy Clarke
Subject: Re: Kentucky 2009 BFS Ranking Feedback
Thanks for sending this to us. I have taken the liberty of copying several other Kentucky LCIs active in lobbying for better state laws and policies regarding bicycling. Your team has created an excellent list of areas of potential improvement for Kentucky. I look forward to reading the National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL) report that you linked below. A legislator with whom we are working on a vulnerable roadway users bill has noted that NCSL has the respect of many Kentucky legislators. This new report could really help us move things forward in Kentucky.
One question: Does the LAB BFS ranking formula evaluate the existence and quality of bicycle facility selection and design guidance (as distinct from a complete streets policy statement) in each state? For example, Minnesota and Oregon have extensive bicycle facility design manuals, and Kentucky has a little bit about bicycle facility selection and design within its Highway Design Manual.
Thanks again for doing this excellent work and sharing it with us. We will indeed use it to improve bicycling in Kentucky.
Ride well,
Barry Zalph
League Cycling Instructor LCI 1339
Executive Director
Bicycling for Louisville
425 S. 2nd St., LL-102
Louisville, KY 40202-1430
(502) 582-1814
On May 27, 2009, at 2:55 PM, Jeff Peel wrote:
The Bicycle Friendly State program has again ranked all 50 states on their bike-friendliness.Kentucky ranked 27th for 2009. You can see the overall results of the ranking, including by categoryhere. The rankings are based on overall scores to the ranking questionnaire that was sent to yourState Bike Coordinator.
The overall scoring was very close, with the separation of many states being the difference of just a few items. Passage of key legislation, updated traffic code, increased education programs or accurate funding reporting can lead to a significant impact on your state’s ranking. Our hope is that this brief bit of feedback can serve as a checklist on to help you improve your ranking as you continue to work with your Department of Transportation and state legislature. In partnership with Bikes Belong we have assisted the National Conference of State Legislators in creating Encouraging Bicycling and Walking: The State Legislative Role. Please forward this link along to your state representatives and their staff. If you would like hard-copies to put in the hands of your representatives, please let me know, though quantities are limited.
no legal requirement to open door only when safe
no restriction on the use of cell phones while operating a vehicle
no enabling legislation allowing municipalities to use photo enforcement
Policies & Programs
No mountain bike plan with state DNR or other agency
No policy requiring bike racks at state owned buildings
No Bicycle Level of Service or similar assessment tool
No statewide bike route network signed
No safety funding spent on bicycling in last 3 years
No dedicated state funding source for bicycle projects
No questions on motorists responsibilities towards cyclists on CDL test
No bicycle operators manual provided by state DOT
No statewide bike map with suitability ratings
no statewide advocacy organization
Evaluation & Planning
No info on bicycle ownership or usage rates in State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan(SCORP)
No performance measures included in statewide bike plan
No statewide bicycle conference or summit
-New for this year were our first Bicycle Friendly State awards. Modeled after our Bicycle Friendly Community awards programs, the additional application offers an addendum to the ranking questionnaire, and allows states to further explain their policies and programs that make their state great places for bicycling. Four states have been awarded the coveted designation and two states received an honorable mention – Washington (Silver), Wisconsin (Silver), Arizona (Bronze),Minnesota (Bronze), Delaware (Honorable Mention) and Maryland (Honorable Mention). Applications for the award will be accepted annually each Spring. The 2010 deadline is March 12.
Please encourage your State Bike Coordinator to apply for this designation in addition to offering your assistance with the application. We find the best, most complete applications and the most Bicycle friendly States are those where all parties work together to fill it out. If you have any questions regarding the program, or need assistance utilizing the feedback to work towards improving bicycling in your state please feel free to contact me.
Jeff Peel
Program Specialist, Bicycle Friendly America
League of American Bicyclists
1612 K St. N.W., Suite #800
Washington, DC 20006
Be a Smart Cyclist: Join us at our 2009 Smart Cycling Conference this June in San Jose, Calif.
Thanks for taking the time to read this if you got this far you all,
See you on the road,
[/b] _________________ Metro Biking |