metro biking hipster

Joined: 16 Mar 2008 Posts: 64 Location: Lexington, KY
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:48 pm Post subject: Lex Bike Mapping Updates |
Lexington-Area Bicyclists
Want to learn more about the best routes to ride getting from home to work, school, or other destinations? Are you riding now and willing to share your route recommendations?
The Lexington Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee and the Blue Grass Community Foundation invite you to a brown bag lunch to help develop a subway-style map showing the best, safest, and most direct routes to Lexington’s employment, education, and entertainment destinations.
Friday, November 4th, 12:00-1:30p
LFUCG Phoenix Building, 101 E. Vine Street
7th Floor Conference Room
Please sign in at security and let them know you are attending the Bike/Ped Advisory Committee monthly meeting.
We’ll spread out some maps and start marking suggested routes to help enable the greatest range of ages and abilities to ride safely and comfortably in commuting, shopping, or just visiting friends.
Besides marking up a map though, we also want to:
•Evaluate how to divide the City into sections so route maps are not too large and can be distributed easily and inexpensively.
•Explore print and electronic means for making the mapping available – know about ride-mapping apps, GIS data development, or social media-based distribution methods? We need you.
•Engage individuals, neighborhoods, and city-, county-, and region-wide interests to leverage the biking assets we have in our Bike Friendly Community and across the Bluegrass.
Our intended outcome is a route map that can be made available through a variety of sources and that can serve for updates of the official City bike Map.
We need your help though. We hope you plan to bring your lunch and join us!
Friday, November 4th, 12:00-1:30p
LFUCG Phoenix Building, 101 E. Vine Street
7th Floor Conference Room
Thanks as always,
Mike G _________________ Metro Biking |