metro biking hipster

Joined: 16 Mar 2008 Posts: 64 Location: Lexington, KY
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 10:06 am Post subject: KY Bicycling and Bikeways Commission 2010 Mtg @ Mammoth Cave |
Interested Advocates,
The 2010 meeting of the KY Bicycling and Bikeways Commission is this Fri. Oct 29th and Saturday Oct 30th at Mammoth Cave National Park.
There will be a full day of activities and discussion Fri followed by a 6 mile ride to Sloan's Pond on the trail the Park installed last year.
Saturday's meetings will be followed by a 25-mile ride around park roads.
The meetings and discussion will be led by Bike Advocates from across the State including our own Keith Lovan (Rails to Trails) and Kenzie Gleason (LFUCG Bike Ped Coordinator) and maybe - it can hoped - the God-father of regional Bike Planning, Don Burrell, Bike/Ped Coordinator for the Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana Regional Planning organization in Cincinnati and former Lexington Bike planner, advocate, organizer, and rider.
Will be a chance to meet our new KY Bike/Ped Coordinator Felicia Harper - a bicycle planner from Louisville recently named to the position.
I am keeping an eye on the weather and plan to camp Fri night at the MC Campgrounds if pleasant enough.
Agenda as follows:
Friday October 29, 2010
8:00-8:30 Light Breakfast and Networking
8:30-9:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks
Bill Gorton, Chair, Kentucky Bicycle and Bikeway Commission
Pat Reed, Superintendent, Mammoth Cave National Park
Geri Grigsby, Chief of Staff, Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
Representative of Governor Steve Beshear
9:00-9:30 Planning Activities in and near Mammoth Cave National Park
Pat Reed, Superintendent; Jeff Moore, KYTC District Three Planning
9:30-10:30 Rails to Trails Activities
Jeff Ciabotti, Vice President of Trail Development, Rails to Trail Conservancy
Keith Lovan, Chair, Kentucky Rails to Trails Council
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-11:30 New Partnership Opportunities with Adventure Tourism
Representative of Governor Steve Beshear
Elaine H. Wilson, Executive Director of Adventure Tourism
11:30-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:00 “Old Road, New Tricks,” Update on KYTC Programs, Felicia Harper, Lynn Soporowski, and Jackie Jones
1:00-2:15 Panel Discussion with local Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinators and counterparts
Stacey Burton, Kenzie Gleason, Dirk Gowin, Josh Moore, David Stensaas
2:15-2:30 Break
2:30-3:00 Open Discussion with Q&A
3:00-3:30 Wrap-upwith 3-Minute Success Stories, including Paula Nye grant programs
3:45-5:00 Mobilize for 6-mile Bike Ride to Sloans Pond; private discussions and networking
Saturday October 30, 2010
8:00-12:00 Business Meeting
Approve meeting minutes from July 2010, August 2010 and September 2010
Approve Paula Nye brochure
Paula Nye memorial grant applications
Detailed review of KYTC Lane Striping Guide
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-3:30 25-mile Bike Ride on park roadways, hosted by Bowling Green League of Bicyclists
Registration (free) form available at the following web site:
This is another event where you can make your voice calling for more biking (and walking and livability) accommodations heard by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and Metropolitan Planning Orgs from across the state.
Sorry for the late notice but hope you can make plans to attend part of the meeting and maybe ride with other KY biking soldiers.
Contact me here, at, or at 859-333-9496 with questions
As always, thanks for your interest and consideration,
Mike _________________ Metro Biking |